International Clearance /

When is an International Clearance required?

An International Clearance is required when the last club a player played with is outside Australia.

How does my Club apply for an International Clearance?

  • Log into MySideline (Administrator) and go to Clearances/Permits in the side menu bar. 
  • At the top of the page there is a button mceclip0.png
  • Click on the button and it will take you to the form on
  • Once the form is completed and submitted, it will come through to the Support Team.

What happens now?

The Support team will request the clearance on your club's behalf and once the clearance is approved, the support team will notify you that the player can now register.

How does the player register?

If the player has never played in Australia they will need to create a new profile.  How to Register

If the player has played in Australia and has a profile, they will need to use that profile. In this case they may need to update their contact details to access the profile.  Update Profile Details

NOTE:  This process relates to players coming into Australia from UK and NZ.  Players coming in from other countries will need to be managed by your State Body.  Your Association will assist with the contact details and process.

Linked Articles

National Clearance and Permit Policy

Contact Support

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